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Physical Health

*Please note that this is not medical advice. Everything I write about are things I have learned and have come across in my journey in searching for answers to my own health problems. They are simply meant to be ideas to consider and to potentially look into. Please do your own research, take everything with a grain of salt, and always consult a qualified professional for help. 

Human Skull Sketch

Cranial Facial Release (CFR), NeuroCranial Restructuring (NCR), Nasal Specific Technique, Functional Cranial Release, and Similar Treatments 


  • Disclaimer

  • The Different Names Of Cranial Release

  • Symptoms Helped By Cranial Release

  • How Does Cranial Release Work?

  • Consequences Of Improper Skull Motion

  • How Is The Treatment Performed?

  • How Does Cranial Release Feel?

  • After Treatment

  • Is Cranial Release For You?

  • Alternative Treatments

  • Links To Patient Testimonials

Written By Alan

Do you deal with headaches, dizziness, anxiety, digestion issues, weird neurological issues, and any other number of symptoms? Or have you experienced a head injury, TBI, or blow to the head- however innocent it may have seemed? If you've tried medication and everything else with no relief at all, Cranial Release might be the one thing that is able to provide the relief you need. 


It is usually found as a last resort by patients (myself included), and has often been able to provide relief when nothing else could. 


In this article, I will talk about everything you need to know about it. There is still very limited information about it, so I wanted to create this basic guide based on everything I learned as a patient.  



Please note that there is no conventionally accepted evidence and no conventionally accepted studies to support the majority of the following claims. As someone who is very analytical by nature and someone who goes by data and evidence, this was the biggest obstacle to me giving it a try. 


There is debate even within the field of Chiropractic itself whether this treatment has any merit. While some chiropractors endorse it wholeheartedly, others do not agree with it at all. It's important for you to understand all sides so you can make the best decision for yourself.


Please make sure to take everything with a grain of salt, do your own research, and consult qualified professionals.


What Is Cranial Release?

Cranial Release is hands down the craziest thing I’ve tried, and I’ve tried a LOT of things. It is also one of the most powerful structural therapies I’ve encountered. It was the catalyst that finally put me on the road to healing, and changed my well-being completely. It involves taking a tiny balloon, sticking it up your nose, and inflating it, all with the goal of freeing the tension that exists inside your head. Intrigued? Keep reading.





The Different Names of Cranial Release

Cranial Release is a form of cranial work, and is performed by a small handful of Chiropractors, Naturopaths, and some Physical Therapists. Cranial Release is known by many different names, including Cranial Facial Release, Neuro Cranial Restructuring (NCR), Functional Cranial Release, Bilateral Nasal Specifics, and more.

All of these therapies utilize the technique of inflating a tiny balloon in your nose, but have each evolved to become their own brands as a result of different doctors adapting this technique and calling it their own. Some of these therapies use other treatments in conjunction with the Cranial Release, but all of the treatments are very similar at their core. For the sake of simplicity, we will use Cranial Release as a blanket term for all these different names.

There are other forms of cranial work as well, and these should not be confused with the Cranial Release based treatments. This includes Craniosacral Therapy and Cranial Release Technique. These treatment options are completely different, and use different techniques to try and accomplish the same goal.

Please note that all of these techniques are very different from a Balloon Sinuplasty, and have no relation at all.

Symptoms Helped By Cranial Release

Cranial Release is an extremely powerful technique, and the number of issues it can help is truly astounding. It is important to note that providers of Cranial Release are not allowed to claim that the treatment can cure any diseases or illnesses. Nonetheless, patients experience relief and improvement of their symptoms across a huge spectrum of issues.

In many cases like myself, Cranial Release is able to help cases and symptoms where nothing else has been able to help. Many of these patients have made their way through various medical and alternative health communities before finding Cranial Release. For many patients, Cranial Release is usually the last resort they have left.


The range of conditions and symptoms that Cranial Release can help are extremely varied, but here are some of them:


  • Headaches of every variety (migraines, tension, cluster)

  • Dizziness of every variety (vertigo, ataxia, balance problems)

  • Cognitive issues (memory issues, ADD/ADHD, concentration issues, brain fog, inability to think clearly)

  • Symptoms of Bell's Palsy

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain

  • Tinnitus

  • TMJ dysfunction

  • Anxiety

  • Digestion problems

  • Allergies and Sinusitis

  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Sleep problems

  • Visual disturbances

  • Neck pain and tension

  • Aches and pains throughout the body

  • Facial Asymmetry

  • Sensory sensitivities

  • And More


Though the technique is great at providing relief for a range of symptoms and issues, it is especially great at providing relief from neurological issues.

It also brings about a clarity that wasn't present before, and helped tremendously with my symptoms of Derealization/Depersonalization Disorder. It helps you feel more centered, grounded, present, and in your body.

How Does Cranial Release Work?

Cranial Release is based on the idea that the skull is actually made up of 22 separate bones, and is not actually one solid sheet of bone. These bones fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, and are joined together by sutures.

Rather than being rigid and simply a solid combination of all these bones, the sutures connecting the bones allow them to move very slightly and flex. The skull expands and contracts ever so slightly, and the skull actually has a very subtle pulsing motion. This pulsing motion is critical to the proper neurological function of the brain.

The bones of the skull can become jammed in a sense, and prevent the proper pulsing of the skull. Improper expansion and contraction of the skull restricts the proper function of the brain and nervous system, resulting in many different types of issues.

Cranial Release aims to free the restrictions and allow proper function back to the nervous system from inside the head.

One of the 22 bones that make up the skull is known as the Sphenoid bone, which is a butterfly shaped bone located inside the skull. The sphenoid bone actually connects directly to 19 of the 22 bones of the skull, and the belief is that adjusting the sphenoid bone can release the rest of the bones of the skull, greatly removing tension and restrictions to the rest of the head and body.


Bones Of The Skull


Sphenoid Bone

Consequences of Improper Skull Motion

Improper movement and pulsing motion of the skull can cause numerous neurological and structural problems. The pumping motion of the head is actually what supplies the rest of the body with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Cerebrospinal fluid is a clear fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord, and is critical in providing nutrients and helping the body carry out life processes. Restriction of the skull’s pulse drastically reduces the amount of fluid pumped out of the head and to the rest of the body interfering with optimal function. Since CSF is constantly produced, any restriction of CSF leaving the head can also cause a buildup of pressure inside the head.


Restrictions of the skull also cause tension in the meninges and dura mater, which is a sheath that covers the brain and the rest of the spinal cord. Tension of the dura mater surrounding the brain can put pressure on the brain itself, and can also cause disruption to any of the other structures within the head. Tension in the dura mater arising from the skull can also have a chain reaction effect and create tension in the rest of the dura mater, which runs down the length of the spinal cord. This in turn can put pressure on the central nervous system itself and cause issues to every other system of the body.


Sphenoid Inside Of the Skull


Expanded View Of the Skull Bones

How Is the Treatment Performed?

The treatment involves taking a tiny balloon and inserting it into one of your nasal cavities. The balloon is then quickly inflated with a blood pressure bulb. The balloon expands rapidly inside your nasal cavity, moving or adjusting the sphenoid, which then also moves all the other bones connected to it. There is no cutting involved and no numbing agent required. Just a quick inflation of the balloon inside your head, and an immediate release of the air inside the balloon.


The doctor takes a very small balloon, and attaches it to the end of a sphygomometer, or blood pressure bulb (the thing the doctor squeezes when taking your blood pressure). The doctor then lubricates the tiny balloon with a high quality lubricant and inserts the balloon into your nose. The doctor will use a q-tip or other small instrument to guide the balloon into the proper nasal cavity (there are six- three on each side).

Once the balloon is in the nasal cavity, the doctor will squeeze the blood pressure bulb and quickly inflate the balloon to expand the space between the bones, and release the sphenoid bone. Once this is complete, the doctor will immediately release the air pressure of the balloon and take out the balloon. take out the balloon. They will then insert the balloon into the next nasal cavity and repeat the process.

There are six sinus cavities, and each practitioner and school of thought each has a different protocol. Some may do all six cavities, though most typically do two nasal cavities- one on each side of the nose. After the completion of either all six or just two of the nasal cavities, this marks the conclusion of one treatment.

The number of treatments also varies according to the doctor's protocol, but many will do 4 treatments in a row (usually 4 days in a row), and then wait a period of time before completing another round of treatments.

There is no set standard however, and is really based on what the doctor feels will be best for your body and what you're dealing with.

How Does Cranial Release Feel?

This is probably the most anticipated question simply because the whole idea of getting your head adjusted from the inside seems like such a bizarre thought. I know it was definitely one of the biggest questions I had before trying it.

I think one of the biggest things to keep in mind is that it's not a painful experience for most people. I have met two people who found their initial experience pretty painful when it happened,, but were fine afterwards, As for myself, it wasn't painful at all, though I can't say it was pleasant either.


While the balloon is being inflated, you feel a pressure inside your head that slowly grows, and sort of feels like something is trying to squeeze it's way through something very stiff. Not really in a bad way, but just something that does require effort. One of the things I actually appreciated about this sensation was the knowledge that this pressure was a result of something needing to be moved and something that needed to be done.


Once the balloon is fully inflated, there is a brief sensation of fullness in your nose and head, sort of like the sensation you get when you jump into a pool too quickly and water goes up your nose. You feel the inflated balloon go into the upper part of your throat, which is the indication that the inflation was successful.

The balloon is then quickly deflated and removed. You may feel a bit of tenderness afterwards, but I felt no real residual issues afterwards.

The craziest thing about the whole experience for me however, were the cracking sounds I heard and felt in my skull. They weren't crazy loud or scary- and sounded more like Rice Krispies crackling- but it was still an insane experience because it was inside my head.

It's hard to explain, but I also felt and heard pressure in my head being relieved. Kind of like the sound of a blow off valve on a car releasing, or the whistling sound of a boiling tea kettle, though in a much softer and more subtle way.

One of my biggest concerns prior to getting the treatment was the balloon popping inside my head, but there is also no real reason to be concerned that the balloon may pop. The balloon is never inflated to its maximum capacity, so the balloon popping is virtually impossible. The balloon is also not inflated with enough force to cause it to pop.



After Treatment

After getting the Balloon Therapy done, it is typical to continue feeling changes and shifts 3-4 weeks after. The bones in the skull continue to shift throughout this time, and you may feel these shifts taking place. As the bones in the skull start to shift, this may also cause shifts through the rest of your body as well.

For me, I could feel things moving around, especially when I was sleeping. It's a bit unreal, but just know that anything you are experiencing is just the body adapting to this new state of being.


Is Cranial Release For You?


If you're someone who is unsure about the treatment or scared of getting it, there is no easy answer. It's definitely not for everyone because of how unorthodox it is, and how extreme it seems.

I was certainly really really concerned about getting it. In fact, I was petrified at just the thought of getting it done, because I was scared it could potentially make things worse for me. As time went on and I became more and more desperate however, it eventually got to the point where I had no choice- there was nothing left to try.

Still, I was petrified. It took my chiropractor 9 months to finally convince me to try it, and I remember literally shaking as he inserted the balloon into my nose for the first time ever. I still remember the office manager Anna holding my hand as I got the first treatment. I didn't realize it at the time because everything was such a haze for me, but it was one of the best decisions I made for my health.

I know some of you may really be unsure and on the fence about it, so hopefully my thought process at the time will make it easier to make a decision.

The first thing that really inspired me to try it was my trust in my Chiropractor. Up to this point, he was the only one that was able to help me. It wasn't easy and was the first time I had done up to this point, but I decided to just trust him and go for it.

The second thing was watching videos and testimonials of other patients who had the treatment done. Youtube wasn't what it is today when I was looking for videos to watch, but there were still a handful that I was able to find.

Watching these videos and really listening to the patients and their stories- what they felt, things they've tried, and their experiences- helped me feel a connection and really gave me the confidence to do it.

Hopefully, watching other people's experiences will give you a better idea of whether or not Cranial Release is right for you.

There still isn't much on Cranial Release available on Youtube, but there's definitely more than there was when I was searching which is great. I'll include some links that may be worth checking out if you're interested in seeing other patient's experiences.

Dr. Doug Willen is a chiropractor who recently learned Cranial Facial Release, and has been making videos of his patients getting the treatment. One of the great things about his videos is that he shows the patient's whole visit, so you really get an idea of what the patient's full experience is. He's also a great chiropractor overall, and one of my favorites. I'll link his videos below as well.



Alternative Treatments


If getting Cranial Release is something that seems too intense for you, there are two alternatives that you can try. Both aim to release cranial pressure by moving the sphenoid bone, but in very different ways.


Craniosacral Therapy


Craniosacral Therapy is structural work that is done with very light pressure. Oftentimes, the pressure is almost imperceptible, and it feels like nothing is being done. However, great results can often be achieved with CST.

CST aims to release the sphenoid bone, by primarily making contact with the bone from the inside of the mouth. Very gentle pressure is applied, which brings movement back to the sphenoid.

One thing to keep in mind is that the cranial changes from Cranial Release are often more noticeable, since it is a much more aggressive technique. If you're looking for something gentler however, CST may be a good alternative.


Cranial Release Technique


Cranial Release Technique also aims to release the sphenoid bone, but with a very deep stretching technique.
It does so by deeply stretching the trapezius muscle, which attaches to the occiput. Since the occiput articulates with the sphenoid, this stretching is believed to bring motion to the sphenoid through the pulling of the occiput by the stretched trapezius muscle.

Much like CST, it is much gentler than balloon based Cranial Release work. The results may not be as pronounced, but it may be easier for people looking for an alternative.

Links To Some Testimonials and Patient Experiences


Dr. Doug Willen's Videos- More videos are available on his Youtube Channel

(highly recommended since he shows you the whole patient experience)


Testimonials and Videos I Watched When I Was Doing Research

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About Alan

I started Inspired Wellness to help others based on my experiences. I write about everything I've tried and learned in my search for answers to my headaches, dizziness, anxiety, digestion issues, and more for 14 years.

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