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Nutritional Health

*Please note that this is not medical advice. Everything I write about are things I have learned and have come across in my journey in searching for answers to my own health problems. They are simply meant to be ideas to consider and to potentially look into. Please do your own research, take everything with a grain of salt, and always consult a qualified professional for help. 

Vegan Bowl

Do You Have A Nutritional Deficiency? It Could Be Causing Your Headaches, Dizziness, Anxiety, and Other Symptoms



  • Why Is Nutritional Deficiency Often Overlooked?

  • Decline In Nutritional Value of Food

  • Why Tests Miss Nutritional Deficiencies

  • Are You Getting Enough Nutrients?

  • How To Get Enough Nutrients

  • Keeping Track Of Your Nutrient Intake

  • Other Causes Of Nutritional Deficiency

  • Signs and Symptoms Of Nutritional Deficiencies

Books and Products Recommended For The Article:

A Matter Of Health may earn a small commission on purchases made from our links, which helps keep the site running. Anything that is recommended is something I've tried, thoroughly researched, or is highly recommended from readers- and have shown been shown to have real benefit and value. Thanks for your support!

Overfed and Undernourished By Elizabeth Gibbons

A great book that explores the food supply and its relation to nutritional deficiencies. 

See It On Amazon

Digestive Wellness by Elizabeth Lipski 

An absolutely amazing book and resource to better understand digestive health, which is critical for nutrient absorption. A must have. 

See It On Amazon

Spectracell Intracellular Nutrition Testing

Spectracell is one of the best companies to offer intracellular nutrient testing. 

*Please note you will need an order from a doctor or licensed practitioner. 

See It On Spectracell

Cronometer Nutrition Tracker and App

A very useful tool in helping you keep track of your nutrient intake. They have an app for Iphone and Android. 

See It On Cronometer

Superfood Greens from Garden of Life

A great superfood powder that is slightly more expensive than the multivitamins. The 60 scoop bottle = 2 months supply. 

See It On Amazon

Concentrace Mineral Drops

A great supplement for Trace Minerals. Although all nutrients are important, trace minerals are critical, and often overlooked. 

See It On Amazon

Brickhouse Nutrition Superfood Powder

An extremely nutrient dense superfood powder. It is the most expensive, but extremely high quality delivers great results. 

See It On Brickhouse

Nutribullet Smoothie/Shake Blender

A great option at a relatively affordable price

See It On Amazon

Ninja Smoothie/Shake Blender

A higher capacity option at a higher price point. They have other models in different price ranges. 

See It On Amazon

Hamilton Beach Centrifugal Juicer

Good option at an entry level price point. 

*Please note that juices are best consumed within 30 minutes of juicing. Mastication juicers also tend to be better, but are generally costlier. 

See It On Amazon

Whole Foods Multivitamin from Supplement Studio

A great whole foods multivitamin at a relatively lower price point.

See It On Amazon

Did you know that you can be nutritionally deficient even if you generally eat enough food and are not overly underweight? In fact, many people who live in modernized Western societies are actually nutritionally deficient and malnourished, and don't even realize it.   


In this article I will talk about just how this can be the case, and everything else you need to know about nutrition deficiencies and malnourishment. 



Why Is Nutritional Deficiency Often Overlooked?


Nutritional Deficiencies are rarely talked about and greatly misunderstood in developed countries because there is generally an abundant amount of food in these countries. Food is relatively cheap, relatively accessible, and as a result, people are generally well fed. The majority of people are not going hungry, do not look like they are starving, and do not fit the image of someone who is extremely frail and malnourished. In fact, quite the opposite is true in many instances- as is the case with the obesity problem in places like the US. 


However, there is a huge difference between being well fed, and being well nourished. Food is meant to be more than just something that provides calories. It is meant to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs- vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, in addition to the protein, fats, carbohydrates, and water that we typically think of. Many foods in modern society today- especially fast food- are void of many of these vitamins and minerals. They are simply empty calories which provide energy and fat, but are void of any real nourishment for the body. 


As a result, Nutritional Deficiencies are generally missed and not even considered, because the person doesn't "look" malnourished. 


Decline In Nutritional Value of Food

Another potential factor contributing to nutritional deficiencies in modern societies is the decline of nutritional value of foods. Studies are suggesting that foods grown today may be less nutritious than the very same foods grown in the past. The numbers vary, but some studies show a decrease in 14% to 34% in key nutrients (and even higher in other studies). 


There are a variety of factors causing this decline in the Nutritional Value of food, including the depletion of nutrients from the soil, changes in farming methods, use of additives and chemicals, and the rise of CO2 levels. 


As a result, more of the same foods need to be eaten for the same nutritional content. 




Why Tests Miss Nutritional Deficiencies

*The following claim in this section is from a holistic nutritional perspective. There is currently no conclusive evidence to support this claim, though more and more studies are being performed to determine if there is causal evidence.  


According to the holistic nutritional perspective, typical tests oftentimes do not paint a clear picture of the nutritional landscape of your body. This is because they typically check for abnormalities that lead to more serious complications and health problems, rather than nutritional health at a cellular level. 


When a blood test is performed for various nutrients in the body, this is done by checking the blood serum levels, which is the extracellular blood that exists outside of cells. This doesn't take into account the intracellular health and wellness, or the nutritional landscape that exists within the cell. As a result, the belief is that it is very possible to have normal blood serum levels, yet still be depleted on a cellular level. 


One example that is used to support this argument is to look at blood serum levels of Calcium. It is known that Calcium is vital for bone and teeth health. When there is an abundant supply of Calcium in the body, the vast majority (about 99%) of it is stored in the bones and teeth of the body. If there isn't enough Calcium, it is taken from the bones and teeth of the body, making them weaker and more brittle. This leads to conditions such as Osteoporosis. However, most people with Osteoporosis have normal serum levels of Calcium. 


If Osteoporosis generally occurs because there isn't enough Calcium in the body, causing the body to take it from the bones, then why are the serum levels normal? They should be low to reflect a Calcium deficiency or insufficiency. However, this is not the case, and Osteoporosis is typically discovered through a bone density scan. And conversely, when you take supplements to increase Calcium, and the extra supply gets stored in your bones, why don't your blood Calcium levels elevate? One reason is that Calcium is critical to heart health, the actual beating of the heart, blood pressure, and blood clotting. As a result, the body will do everything it can to maintain normal levels of Calcium in the blood for these critical life functions, even if it means depriving them from other less critical places. 


As a result, the theory is that you can be nutritionally deficient even if you have normal blood results. There are labs that are able to analyze intracellular nutritional health, but keep in mind that they are currently considered investigational and unproven. They may also not be allowed in certain states and municipalities, though the FDA does not require these tests to be regulated. 

  • Interested in learning more about Intracellular Nutrient Testing? Spectracell is a great company to check out. See them here at Spectracell.*Please note that you will need an order from a licensed doctor or practitioner. 



Are You Getting Enough Nutrients?

So with all this confusion and what ifs, how do you know what to believe, and if you're getting enough nutrients? One very simple way to determine if you might have a Nutritional Deficiency is to observe what you eat in a day, and ask yourself a simple question- Are you eating the right foods, in the right amounts, on a daily basis? It's a simple solution, but one that is rarely used by people. 


In general, experts recommend consuming anywhere from 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. When you think of what most people eat in a day, they typically fall very short of this number. This means you're not getting all the vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and every other critical nutrient necessary to carry out life's functions. If you're not meeting this threshold daily, then there's a good chance you are nutritionally deficient. 



How To Get Enough Nutrients



Since food is the primary source of nutrients, making sure you eat the right foods in the right amounts is the key to making sure you get the nutrition your body needs to function properly. Eating a varied diet with fruits and vegetables of all different colors is one of the best ways to ensure you get the nutrients your body needs. Eating the right proteins, fats, and carbs are also essential to getting the right nutrients. If you are on a specific type of diet (ie. vegan, grain free, etc.), make sure to eat foods or take supplements to make up for any potential deficiencies in the diet. There are tons of different recommendations and every body is different based on its unique makeup, so do your research based on your dietary goals. 


*There are some people who have a salicylate intolerance which is abundant in vegetables. If you find yourself experiencing issues or not feeling well after consuming vegetables, it might be worth looking into. 



Juicing and Shakes

Many people don't have the time (or the will) to chow down on plate after plate of vegetables, and in that case, juicing and smoothies can be a great alternative. They are relatively easy to make, portable, and can be consumed with minimal effort. There are endless combinations you can make that are both nutritious and delicious.   


If you do decide to juice or make smoothies, investing in a good quality juicer or blender can make a world of a difference, so make sure to do your research!


*Please note that juices and shakes can contain a very high amount of sugars, which should be monitored if you have diabetes or blood sugar levels. Fruits generally have a high sugar content, and even root vegetables have a relatively high sugar content. Picking leafy greens and other vegetables lower in sugar content can be a better alternative. Make sure to consult your doctor if you are diabetic or have kidney/liver issues before starting a juicing/shake regimen. 

  • For a great inexpensive smoothie/shake blender, check out the Nutribullet here at Amazon

  • For a higher capacity blender, the Ninja is a great option as well. See it here at Amazon

  • Looking for a juicer? The Hamilton Beach Centrifugal Juicer is a good option for the price. See it here on Amazon
    *Please note that juices are best consumed within 30 minutes of juicing. Mastication juicers also tend to be better, but are generally costlier. 



Another way to get nutrients that you may not be getting in your diet is through supplementation. Although obtaining nutrients from a whole foods source will always be the best, supplements are a good alternative if you have no other choice. 


One thing to keep in mind with supplements is that they are not all created the same. One of the key factors of supplementation is the usability and absorbability of the supplement you're taking. Some supplements are much harder for the body to break down and may not be in a form that is easily absorbable by the body. As a result, this leads to less of the nutrients actually being used by the body. 100mg of a mineral which the body is able to utilize 80% of, is better than 1000mg of a mineral which the body is able to utilize only 20% of. 


Factors that can influence absorbability and usability of a supplement includes its form (ie. tablet vs veggie capsule vs liquid vitamin), and the what the vitamin/mineral is bound to (ie. Calcium Carbonate vs. Calcium Citrate).


Investing in good quality supplements can make a world of difference in the benefits you are able to realize. If possible, supplements that come from whole foods are the best, but if they are too costly, try to invest in some higher quality supplements that are reasonable for your budget.  

  • For a whole food supplement that isn't too expensive, Supplement Studio's Multivitamin is a great option. See it here on Amazon

  • For a whole foods superfood powder, Garden of Life makes a great powder. It's slightly more expensive than the multivitamin. 60 scoop = 2 month supply. See it here on Amazon.

  • For a high nutrient, high quality superfood supplement, I highly recommend Brickhouse Nutrition. It's the most expensive of the three supplements, but extremely high quality. See it here on Brickhouse.

  • While all nutrients are important, trace minerals are critical, and often overlooked. For a good trace mineral supplement, Concentrace drops are phenomenal. See it here on Amazon



Keeping Track Of Your Nutrient Intake

Keeping track of what you eat in a day and whether that translates into sufficient nutrition can end up being a part time job. Fortunately, there are many tools, trackers, and apps you can use to help you keep track of everything, and to keep your sanity. 


Many of them already have the nutritional value for different foods calculated, and simply inputting what you're eating, along with the amount you're eating will be enough for them to automatically calculate the nutritional content of what you ate. They can help you keep track of your daily totals, and help you realize your goals much easier. 

  • Looking for a good tracker/app? Cronometer is an excellent tool. They have an app for Iphone and Google Play, making it very convenient. See it here at Cronometer. 


Other Causes Of Nutritional Deficiency


In addition to simply not eating enough of the right foods, there are other issues that can cause Nutritional Deficiencies as well. Here are some causes that are typically not mentioned as often:



Dysbiosis is an imbalance of gut bacteria or the microbiome. Proper balance of gut bacteria is critical for proper digestive (and overall) health, and any imbalance can wreak havoc on the digestive system. Dysbiosis can cause issues with digestion and proper absorption of nutrients, causing malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies. 


Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

SIBO is a form of Dysbiosis, and this is when there is an overgrowth of one type of bacteria, severely throwing off the balance. This also causes issues with digestion and absorption, and can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea, bloating, and more. 


Food Sensitivities and Intolerances

Food sensitivities can cause irritation, inflammation, and impede the digestive system. Over time, repeated exposure to problem foods can have an impact on stomach and digestion, leading to Nutritional Deficiencies. 


Leaky Gut Syndrome and Malabsorption

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a condition in which there is a weakening or breakdown of the lining intestinal lining, allowing small gaps or holes to form. As a result, things are able to "leak" into the body that otherwise would not have been able to. This can cause inflammation, and affects the overall health of the digestive system, impeding its ability to function properly. Dysbiosis, SIBO, and Food Intolerances are all thought to contribute to Leaky Gut Syndrome. 



Interestingly enough, deficiencies in one type of nutrient can cause a deficiency in other nutrients. Nutrients work together synergistically, and one nutrient oftentimes will need other nutrients to be properly absorbed and utilized by the body. For example, Vitamin D (it's actually a hormone, not a vitamin!)  is critical for Calcium absorption, and a Vitamin D deficiency can cause a Calcium deficiency. Low levels of magnesium can also have an impact on Calcium (and Potassium) levels. Rather than simply being individual components that have seperate functions, all the nutrients in the body work in concert as one giant system. 



Signs and Symptoms Of Nutritional Deficiencies


Since it's very possible (and common) to be Nutritionally Deficient even without being overly underweight or "looking" malnourished, going by appearance is generally not a very accurate indicator of Nutritional Health. 


Since nutrition runs the body and is the building block of all life's processes, malnourishment can have an impact on any of life's processes. 


As a result, if you're dealing with headaches, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, depression, or any other number of symptoms or conditions, nutrition can play a key factor. At the very least, making sure you're nutritionally healthy will give your body the foundation to better tackle and better deal with all the things that ail you. 

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