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Nutritional Health

*Please note that this is not medical advice. Everything I write about are things I have learned and have come across in my journey in searching for answers to my own health problems. They are simply meant to be ideas to consider and to potentially look into. Please do your own research, take everything with a grain of salt, and always consult a qualified professional for help. 

Facial Oil

A Natural Remedy for Toothaches- Clove Oil and Oregano Oil for Toothache Relief


  • How Effective is Clove Oil and Oregano Oil for Toothaches?

  • Things To Look Out For

  • Why Does Clove Oil and Oregano Oil Help With Toothaches?   

  • How To Use Clove Oil and Oregano Oil For Toothache Relief

  • What Kind Of Oil Should I Use?  

Products Recommended For The Article:

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Clove Oil from Now Foods

A great clove oil from one of my favorite nutrition and supplement companies. 

*It is highly concentrated, so please make sure to dilute. Please consult a qualified professional or practitioner before use. 

See It On Amazon

Oil of Oregano from Garden Of Life

A great oil of oregano from another great company. Highly recommended. 

*It is concentrated, so please make sure to dilute. Please consult a qualified professional or practitioner before use. 

See It On Amazon

Toothaches can be extremely painful. So painful in fact, that just the thought of one can make you shudder. For those who have tried painkillers and topical treatments like Orajel to little or no effect, Clove Oil and Oregano Oil are great alternatives and extremely effective at reducing and even eliminating tooth pain altogether. Clove Oil and Oregano Oil are natural oils derived from plants, and as a result, are completely free of chemicals or additives.  

How Effective is Clove Oil and Oregano Oil for Toothaches?

So just how effective is using Clove Oil and Oregano Oil? Very effective. My first experience with Clove Oil came when my mom had a horrible toothache for two days which rendered her unable to even move. She tried all kinds of painkillers, antibiotics, and Orajel to no avail. My mom has an extremely high threshold for pain, so if she’s complaining about something, it HURTS.

Since we tried all the conventional methods, I went online and searched for natural cures for toothaches and came across Clove Oil. There were countless stories about the miracles it provides for toothaches, so I promptly got her some to see if it might help her. 30 minutes after applying a tiny amount to her tooth, her tooth ache completely went away. Like magic. There are tons of similar stories if you search online.



Things To Look Out For

Certain underlying dental conditions may be aggravated by clove oil and oregano oil use, so please make sure to consult your dentist beforehand if you aren't sure or have concerns.

Make sure to check the strength of the oil you are getting. Pure concentrated extracts are too strong and can cause damage to your gums. Make sure to dilute any highly concentrated extracts with some type of carrier oil.


It is also important to note that it is not recommended to be used on infants and children, as it can cause damage to their developing gums and tooth pulp.

One contraindication of Clove Oil is that it is a blood thinner like aspirin, so those with certain conditions might want to be mindful of this fact. This is probably fine since the amount you are using is minimal and you are not directly ingesting it. Nonetheless, make sure to consult your doctor if you have any concerns.



Why Does Clove Oil and Oregano Oil Help With Toothaches? 

Clove Oil and Oregano Oil are extremely effective at relieving tooth pain because they contain analgesic and anti bacterial properties. Analgesic properties are numbing properties- like Benzocaine- which is the active ingredient in Orajel, but in a natural form derived from plant oils. This is a very powerful combination, as Clove Oil and Oregano Oil both help to numb the pain, while the naturally occurring antibacterial properties help fight any bacteria or infection. Both Clove Oil and Oregano Oil also contain anti-inflammatory properties as well. All of these qualities make Clove Oil and Oregano Oil a formidable opponent for toothaches.


How To Use Clove Oil and Oregano Oil For Toothache Relief

To use the Clove Oil and Oregano Oil, apply a small amount to a q-tip, or any other type of applicator, and gently rub it on the affected tooth, avoiding the gums and tongue as much as possible. Within 15 to 30 minutes, you should begin to notice a decrease in the pain or even complete cessation of the pain altogether.

What Kind Of Oil Should I Use?

You can find good quality Clove Oil and Oregano Oil in any health food store. Since you are not ingesting the oils or using a large amount, it isn’t an absolute necessity to find food grade Clove Oil, though it would probably be better if you can find it. One thing to keep in mind is that Clove Oil is a bit spicy, and the taste can be less than pleasant for some. If so, Oregano Oil might be a better choice for you.

Again, please make sure to check the concentration of the oil and dilute if necessary.

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