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About Me

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Hi There!

My name is Alan and I want to welcome you to the site. This Health and Wellness Blog is a culmination of everything I've learned dealing with my own health journey for the past 20 years. I spent the majority of that time trying all sorts of things- from the conventional to the downright weird- in an effort to find relief from the headaches, dizziness, anxiety, digestion issues, and many of the other mysterious issues that no one had an answer for. 


After suffering and searching for 14 years, I was able to finally find some relief and begin my journey to healing. This site is a way for me to share everything I've learned with you, and my hope is for it to eventually be a complete encyclopedia of everything I have researched, everything I have tried, and everything I have learned throughout this period. 


My hope is that it will provide some sort of insight that might be able to help you or someone you know, and perhaps provide some sort of inspiration for you to keep going- despite whatever circumstances you may be going through. 


This is a work in progress, but my sincere hope is that you will be able to find some value from it!

A Brief Summary of My Story (click here for the Full Version)

I was a normal, relatively healthy teenager, when these headaches came out of nowhere one day. As time went on, I started experiencing other symptoms such as dizziness and anxiety, which progressively got worse over time. I started experiencing more and more symptoms, and they kept getting worse and worse with each passing day. 

Like any normal person, I went to my doctor, but they couldn't find anything wrong with me. This set me off on a journey of being passed from doctor to doctor, and getting test after test. They either told me I was perfectly healthy, or tried to get me to take psych meds. 


As a result of this, I started trying alternative therapies such as physical therapy, yoga, and nutritional changes. As my symptoms continued to get worse, I became more and more desperate, and started trying weirder and weirder things. Nothing helped. I got to the point where I was building frequency zappers, trying magnet healing, and any other thing I could find. 


By the time 14 years had passed since everything started, I decided to kill myself. I was bedridden by this point, in constant excruciating pain, and there was no more hope left. As a last ditch effort, I decided to give chiropractic a try before I would carry out my plan. 


Luckily, chiropractic (the last thing I ever expected to help me) ended up being my saving grace, and it slowly put me on the course to recovery. Over the course of the next few years, I started getting better and slowly regained my life back. I tried other things along the way that helped me even more, and after almost 17 years of pure hell, I'm in a much better place now. 

My Hope For This Site


One of the things that kept me going throughout my whole experience was this voice inside of me that kept telling me I was on this journey for a reason- so that I could learn everything there is to know, and one day share what I've learned with the world. Now that I'm finally in a place where I feel that I can put everything I've learned in its proper context, the time finally feels right. 


My biggest hope is that the things I write about and talk about will be able to help you or someone you know, and hopefully improve your lives in some way- no matter how small. 


If you ever have any questions, ideas, or suggestions on how to make the site better, or things that might help others, please don't hesitate to reach out!

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