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Hi There!


My name is Alan. I never thought in a million years that I would be writing about health and wellness or doing anything remotely close to this. I had no interest in health and wellness whatsoever, and had no interest in helping people find it. For a huge part of my life, my only goal was to go to college, work for a hedge fund, and become a millionaire before I turned 30. I guess life sometimes has a funny way happening, which irrevocably changes the person you become.

My Journey


Starting when I was 16, I began experiencing headaches which felt like a slight pressure in my forehead. They slowly grew in intensity and duration as time went on. As time went on, the headaches got worse and started becoming accompanied by dizziness and anxiety. I started going to various doctors, all of whom couldn’t do anything for me. They all told me I was perfectly healthy.


I didn’t feel healthy however, and began trying nutritional and lifestyle changes, all while continuing to see various specialists. Nothing and no one could help me. In fact, things just kept getting worse. By the time I was 27, things were out of control. I was no longer able to function and had to quit working. I stayed home most days sitting in my chair or lying in bed, unable to get up.


Symptoms I experienced included: headaches, dizziness, anxiety, nausea, insomnia, stomach pain, food intolerances, poor sugar levels, extreme fatigue, inability to think properly, ringing in my ears, tingling in my hands and feet, and sensitivity to sounds, smells, tastes, and touch, to name just a few. I was also dealing with this pervasive vision problem where it felt like I couldn’t focus on anything visually. Looking at my phone, reading, watching tv, or looking at the computer even for a minute would give me excruciating headaches.


At this point, I came to the realization that I couldn’t go on living like this anymore. After much contemplation, I made the decision that I would kill myself if I couldn’t find any viable solution in three months. It was just too hard and there was no more hope. I had tried every conventional medical route, nutritional regimen, lifestyle change, and alternative therapy there was humanly possible to try. Nothing worked.


Shortly after I made the promise to myself, I stumbled across a treatment option that changed my life. It was a slow and painstaking process, but over the course of a year, a lot of the symptoms improved markedly. I was able to return to work and more importantly, I had my life back.

What This All Means


Beyond the physical improvements I have realized are the changes I have experienced as a person. This journey of self-discovery has brought me to a place where I can say I am truly happy and fulfilled. I understood the true meaning of wellness, happiness, and dare I say it, life itself for the first time ever. I hope that I can share this with you.


Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions and I will do my best to help in any way that I can!



© 2015 Onelight Wellness By Alan Chan


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